State and Regional News

State Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger on NC’s Financial Health: “We Have a Very Healthy Fund Balance”

Anthony DeHartMar 31, 2024
State Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger on NC’s Financial Health: “We Have a Very Healthy Fund Balance”

Entrance of the NC Legislative Building (Photo used under license from Anthony DeHart Lawmakers will be coming back to Raleigh in a few weeks for the “short session,” primarily to make adjustments to the…

NC insurance commissioner says driver behavior pushing auto insurance rates higher

Anthony DeHartMar 24, 2024
NC insurance commissioner says driver behavior pushing auto insurance rates higher

Car with coins and calculator (Image used under license from Anthony DeHart According to a 2023 study from U.S. News & World Report, North Carolina ranked as the sixth lowest state in average annual…